The Mid-Sussex Agility Club
At the Royal Leisure Centre, Horne Lane, Alborne, West Sussex
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Agility can become a real addiction. It’s fun, friendly and keeps you and your dog in
tip-top shape. Most people's first view of Agility comes from the coverage of Crufts
each year and the agility competitions held in December in conjunction with The International
Horse Show at London's Olympia. However, there are 300 licensed Agility Shows held
annually, not to mention the numerous special sponsored events which take place
nationwide. But you don’t have to Take part in competitions to enjoy the sport, many
enjoy a social Evening  of fun out with their dogs,Agility Shows are fun competitions
designed for the enjoyment of competitors, and to appeal to spectators. All sorts of dogs
can take part. Your dog does not have to be a pedigree, or pure-bred dog, but
it must be registered with the Kennel Club either on the Breed Register, or the Activity Register.
Size does not matter either, because there are Agility Shows for Large Dogs, measuring over
430mm (1ft 5ins) at the withers; Medium dogs, measuring over
350mm (1ft 1.75ins) and measuring 430mm (1ft 5ins) or under
at the withers (shoulder); and Small Dogs, measuring 350mm
(1ft 1.75ins) or under at the withers.

One important stipulation, however, is that dogs must be over 12
months of age and fit to take part, as it is such a physical sport
and so much training is necessary before a dog can compete if that is
what you want. We will however put your name to our waiting list to
Ensure that you're place is reserved.

Introduction to Agility